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Our dedicated team of professionals is waiting to assist you in finding the right coverage
"Thanks to 5 Star Insurance Agency, I am now saving more money than ever before on my insurance!" -Jane S.
"This agency is fast, friendly and easy to work with. I highly recommend them to everyone!" -Sam K.
"We got quick and accurate rates on the best insurance we have ever had. Thanks!!!" -Kris T.

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Get Hassle-Free Insurance From A Company You Can Trust
Hello! My name is Nelson Mateo, and welcome to my website. I am an independent, personal insurance agent with 5 Star Insurance Agency. I am located in the Northern Virginia Metropolitan area, servicing the entire Commonwealth of Virginia.
Are you looking for a new insurance policy? You could attempt to call a large insurance company that is advertised on TV, only to find yourself navigating an electronic answering system. What do you do when you finally get a person on the line, only to learn that the premium price is too high for your budget? You would have to call another insurance company and start the process again.
Shopping for insurance in this manner can take hours or even days! Instead, 5 Star Insurance Agency is here to help make your life easier.
The purpose of this site is to help people find the most affordable auto, home and business insurance policy, while simultaneously offering customer service contact information such as links like online-bill-pay, and providing avenues for referrals for both business partners and customers.
I offer access to a few companies that you can receive quotes and purchase directly on-line, without ever contacting me. This may appeal to some people, but advice from an agent is in your best interest. Also, not all insurance carriers offer personal advice, so you may be missing out on a better rate and a product more suited for your needs by simply talking with me.